Monday, November 4, 2013

Six reasons why SOME people should have kids

If you read my post from yesterday, this post will make a lot more sense.

Six reasons why some people should have kids

1) Kids give you a new perspective on life
The world looks differently to a parent I think that in does to non-parents. It's a little bit of a scarier place with lots of sharp corners, it's a place that there are a lot more things to do than just having fun and going to work and you can watch your kids grow while seeing the world through their eyes. Everyone interprets things differently and sees things differently. So far my kid has reminded me how beautiful the world is, that everyone is a person and I should be less judgmental and that each second that passes is a precious one.

2) It helps bring purpose to your marriage
What is the point of marriage if not to raise a family? Some might say to have a life companion, but then, why not have a lifelong roommate who is also your best friend. I personally think you have a purpose in marriage without kids only for the first few years and then the last few years. The first years it is happy and you learn a lot by the trials you do have. You feel new and invigorated. Then the next step is owning your own home, having a job and having kids. Then what? Being old and dying. So, you definitely want someone with you then. Other than that, what are you doing with your in between as a couple? Nothing really, if you think about it, besides having fights and then having a good time. Kids give you a reason to grow and to work together towards a grand purpose.

3) If everyone decided they didn't want kids, we would be extinct
I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a dinosaur. That would be really sad if we all ceased to exist because some people thought they rather not go to the trouble of being a parent.

4) Children make you want to be a better person
I am not saying that everyone who doesn't have a kids is less of a person than someone who does, but they do make you want to be better than the person you were. You feel a sense of responsibility (at least most people do) and so you try to make the best decisions you can and be the best person you can.

5) You become a stronger person, always striving to overcome challenges by being a better problem solver
- My kid won't eat his veggies, so I make homemade pasta sauce where I hide the veggies via blender
- My kid has trouble sleeping so I use trial and error to help him rest better
-My kid comes home, saying he got drunk and crashed the car into a tree (well, I will give you the answer if that ever happens, hopefully it never will and I have raised him to know better)

6) You learn to work as a team
I don't care what anyone says, no one raises a child alone. Even a single mom might have help from a neighbor, a babysitter, a friends or a family member. You and your spouse, significant other, friend or babysitter will learn how to help raise that child together, regardless of the level of commitment each person has. My husband has learned not to give in to my child's demands so much and I have learned to be a better disciplinarian than I have ever imagined. We aren't perfect, but we work together to do the best we can, as a team.

Of course, these might not apply to everyone.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Kids: Why to have them? This guy got it wrong.

People have some pretty messed up ideas when it comes to having children. Of course, that is just my personal opinion.

I decided to do a bit of research on what other people think about having kids. I read an article titled "6 reasons why everyone should have kids." 

First, I have to say, I don't agree with this title. Not everyone should have kids. I know people will probably disagree with my philosophizes (and there will be exceptions to the rule), but I think that statement is wrong. 

It takes two to make a baby and both parents should be in agreement to do it and know that they can handle it. Of course, this is not a perfect world so we will have single mothers and fathers, couples who are not married having children and people who are torn apart because of disagreeing over born and unborn children. 

However, there is not a perfect time for everything and I will be honest, I didn't know if I could handle a child when my son was born. Now I can't imagine life without him and love him more than anything in the world. 

The reasons people should have kids according to the article and my thoughts as religious mother: 

1. Kids change your perspective on the world
Well that's true. Can't argue with that. 

2. Children can regulate your diet well
Maybe it worked for the guy who wrote that article, but I think that is a bunch of crap. My kid has made my diet worse. First, I gained weight during pregnancy and believed the myth that breastfeeding would solve all my weight problems because I would be burning extra calories. When my child was born I had gained 10 lbs. Since my child, I have gained a total of 40 lbs. Yeah, that is a LOT. I of course, am not a bad enough parent to blame this all on my child, but he was a factor in it. Other factors include stress from various sources, bad eating habits and slacking on exercise habits. Of course, child birth can cause someone who already has bad self image to have worse self image, which then leads to stress which sometimes causes overeating. 

Not to mention, that if you give some children any choice on food, they will walk all over you. My child hates vegetables and now he is at the age that he is still too young to understand threats of "not getting dessert" and too old to be able to make those kind of decisions. Thus, more snacks are available in the house, which means more temptations for a parent to snack on their kids' snacks. 

3. Children can build your muscles
Maybe, but not enough to counteract the bad eating habits you may gain. This guy must have been the kind of guy to sit around at home all day or something to use this as a reason to have a kid. Also- It will make women lose their stomach there!

4. Babies make you more flexible
Ha! Speak for yourself. They take up so much time it makes it harder to do other things besides spend time with them and go to work. Not that spending time with them is a bad thing, in fact, it's pretty nice. But, they definitely don't make you more flexible. 

5. Your children can make you more concerned about the future
I guess they can. If you didn't care anything about the future to begin with. Maybe I am selfish, but I am not only concerned about the future for my children, but for myself. I learned to handle a tough world and I will raise my kids to do the same. If the planet explodes, well there may not be anything we can do about it, so I am not going to worry any more about that because we have kids. Speaking politically, being concerned about the future isn't about being a responsible parent, it's about being a responsible ADULT. 

6. Kids make you happier
That's a relative statement. For most people that is true, but not for everyone. 

This blogger was making his own rebuttal to an article in Time Magazine  which I don't think is a good example either. It's glorifying the idea that people who don't have kids can have more success in life. I don't think that's true either. It just depends on how you define success. If to you success means only world travel, lots of money and doing whatever you want whenever you want, well the kid route is not for you. 

If you are religious and believe bearing children is a commandment of God and that's part of our mission here on earth, that is a reason to have kids. 

I think both are okay, even if I don't agree. I have no room to tell anyone they should or should not be a parent. I just think that guy didn't make an argument very well. Tomorrow: Why I think Having Kids is great (hopefully my points are better than his).  

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Shut it down: The shutdown that is...

Right now the big item in the news is the government shut down. The sad part is, not a lot of people care or even know about it, because they don't read the news and they don't keep up on the issues. The first time they are going to notice anything is if their government benefits go away, or for the folks who wanted to sign up for Obamacare.

For someone who considers herself a "conservative liberal," I think this is the most stupid thing that the government has ever done in my 25 years of life.

The Problem: Republicans and Democrats can't decide a a spending plan, mostly because of Obamacare.
The Capitol- Courtesy SXC

Why: Because everyone is stubborn and won't give in on either side.

It's important to have good health care for Americans that is affordable

I could give you multiple examples of people I know that couldn't afford health care on their own, but could/do desperately need it.

  • The individual who is seeking a job, but has trouble finding one that utilizes their potential or that makes them enough money to live off of. This person needs to have insurance, but can't afford it until they get back on their feet. I know two individuals that have or have had this situation. One is going to school to get a better job someday, but in the meantime has to rely on parent help to get insurance. The other one was out of work for about 2 years, searching, but not finding any offers in the career field they had gone to school for. 
  • Folks who can't work, or can't work enough to make much money. I have another friend in this situation. Sure that friend could probably qualify for government assistance, but only when there is a reason to receive it. That friend should be able to go to the doctor for preventative care, just like anyone else for a reasonable price. 
  • Folks right off that tax bracket. They are too rich to receive medical help from the government, but too poor to pay for it themselves. Sure, some of those folks spend too much on fast food or electronics, but not all of them. 

Why I think Obamacare has problems still: 
  • People who don't have insurance shouldn't get a fine slapped on them. That infringes on the individual rights of Americans. If we want to get sick and die because we don't want to pay for insurance (not saying I do) well, that should be our choice. You can't make me buy health insurance if I don't want to. It's infringing on my rights as an American. Land of the free, home of the brave, right? I am free, and if I don't want to take money out of my paycheck for health insurance, President Obama shouldn't be able to tell me I have to. 
  • People shouldn't have to rely on the government. We have let our society become full of leeches who rely on the government instead of looking for other options. That includes home loans etc. My grandfather paid for his home out of pocket when he bought it. We need to learn that we don't have to rely on any entity to make it in this life. Occasionally we need some help, and asking for help once in a great while is different than leaning on it for life. 

However, those things said (AND YES OBAMACARE HAS MORE PROBLEMS THAN I HAVE LISTED) it is stupid to shut down the government because we can't make a decision, especially when it will hurt our already hurting economy. Sounds to me like some folks don't even care if our economy dies. Choosing to stop things just because we don't support an initiative isn't right. However, I get the idea of checks and balances. My guess is that it is going to take a long time for anyone to decide anything, I just hope they do before it's too late. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Department stores love to lie, especially to women

Department stores are liars. No, I don't mean sales people are liars, or that the company is dishonest, but that the store in itself is a pro at the art of deception. What do I mean? Well, I am glad you asked. 

Some women LOVE shopping and others HATE shopping. Why? 

Women who love shopping: They love shopping because there is something that feels good about spending money, especially when it is on something for yourself. The woman who loves shopping can enter a store, try on a new piece of clothing and say "Dang I look good." 

The deceitful shoes. I was fooled by JC PENNEY. 
I find they are not comfortable,
but painful. 
Women who hate shopping: Either the woman HATES spending money and is a cheapskate, or every time she tries something on, she feels like she looks bad or fat. Then they feel they can't possibly compare to the women they see everywhere else, such as on TV, in the magazines, at the gym or their more attractive family members. 

I have been both. But, let me tell you, I have also felt the department store lies to me, no matter which group I fit in.
I think there is this deception to a department store. It is in the atmosphere. I went shopping for shoes, I thought they fit perfect and after making it home, I realized they fit like crap. 

Other times, I felt I looked terrible in something, but bought it anyway, hoping to look good in it later. It didn't take that much time to look good in it. All it took was a trip home and away from the store. 

This is the conundrum that is shopping at department stores. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The sounds, smells and scares of teenage girls

I remember a lot about church girls camp. I did not remember how ridiculous the camp songs were. 

They sing about sharks, potatoes, bananas, being a Mormon girl and all sorts of silly things. It's funny though, because when you are a teenager those things don't seem lame or ridiculous.

It makes me wonder how many things that are important to me now, will turn out to be unimportant or cool in the future. 

Plus, I never noticed the smell of camp. It's awful. It smells like sweaty girls and the great outdoors. Right now I am laying on a cot, next to 2-3 stinky pairs of shoes. 

The scares include bugs. I would say cockroaches, Mosquitos and spiders have been the main topic of conversation at night. It's kind of gross. This is why I never liked camping. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Reflections on church girls camp

In my youth I participated in Girls' Camp with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. All in all, I would say it was a positive experience. However, this year is my turn to be a leader in charge. Whether it is a positive experience from the other end is still to be seen.

Tonight I will be camping out with probably 10-12 girls from my ward (otherwise known as a congregation).  To be directly honest, I HATE CAMPING, SO MUCH. Here is a brief synopsis of my camp experiences from the ages 12-17.

12 year old- My camp leader and I did not get along because I was too loud and didn't keep the campsite clean in her opinion. I was all about having fun. About the second night I was tired of it being hot outside, and my camp leader not being fair (in the mind of a 12-year-old girl), and overall I was just tired. I saw a dead spider hanging in a web above my face when I was in my bunk bed and I started crying. My friend who was not a member of the church and who was in an atheist family came with me. Even though she wasn't super excited about prayers and scripture study, she still had a good time. Over all, I would say it was a positive experience.

13 year old- I still enjoyed camp, but whoever was in charge was so focused on giving us a "spiritual experience" that no one had any fun. Needless to say, my friend who came with me the first year also came this year. She never returned to camp with me after that. Some older girls pretended to be ghosts and scare us. I was mad about that too.

14 year old- I found out in advance that we would not be at the same camp we had gone to the previous years before which had cabins. We would be sleeping on the ground. I decided right then and there I would not be going to camp. Thank goodness too, because it rained and everyone made mud pies etc. For a person who is not much of a girly girl, I hate mud and gross outdoor things.

15 year old- I went to camp and had a good time again. I can't remember much from this year, but I do know I made some really good friends and actually felt like I was getting church reacted lessons out of it. We had some really meaningful moments where I felt like Heavenly Father loved me. I do remember being slightly peeved off at a couple girls from my ward because they were hanging out with each other instead of me. But, at least I made friends from some girls from Osage Beach, Waynesville and so on.

I couldn't find any photos from camp, but this is about as close
as I could get photo-wise. This is another church youth camp I went
to called EFY. We were making blankets for a service project. 
16 year old- I was finally on top of the camp chain in my mind. I was a Junior Camp Counselor. We had our own cabin, which wasn't even a cabin. It was a building which had its own bathrooms. Thank goodness we didn't have to share with the little kids anymore!! Man, this was the first time I had a REALLY good time at camp. This was the year I made my best memories.

We stayed up late and broke a lot of rules. I remember one night three of us were out past lights out to go scare some of the younger campers. We made ghost noises. Unfortunately for us, a leader heard us instead of the girls. I heard the leader saying "GO TO BED." Then when we ran for it. We hung out on the swing set and talked for hours, until we saw a leader coming. I though "oh crap!" and warned the other two. We quickly ran back to our cabin, but as she was yelling and chasing after us with flashlights it was clear we weren't going to make it. We attempted to hide under and behind cars in the parking lot. She still found us. We got told off, but the reason the leader was so upset was because one of the girls in our group was an athlete and ran like and athlete. The other
two of us were overweight and ran like little girls. What she thought she saw was two girls running off with a boy in the middle of the night.

17 year old- This was the year I was on the top top of the chain of command behind the leaders. I remember enjoying it, helping to plan activities and the like. This was the last year my friend Katie and I rapped Mother goose rhymes for the talent show. It was a highly popular act at our talent shows and this year we just kind of did it out of obligation. We banged on trash cans with drumsticks and dressed up like gangsters, it was quite a sight to be seen. My name was "Goose Diddy," sadly right now I can't remember what Katie's alter ego rapper name was. Maybe someday I will remember.

After three nights of sleeping out with these girls, I will definitely have to elaborate the differences. To my leaders then: I am sorry I put you through so much pain and suffering. Thanks for the good memories and reinforcing my dislike for sleeping outside and doing lame crafts.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Collaboration makes all the difference in the world

Whether at work, at home or working on a project with a group of friends, good collaboration makes all the difference in the world.

There is an individual that I have been especially grateful to for all that he has helped me out with. I try to give back as well, so it doesn't feel one sided. That is the worst, when you contribute to a cause that helps out someone else and they take advantage of your willingness to help. I have been in that situation too.

Collaboration, teamwork and friendship is the best thing in life, regardless of whether it is a co-worker helping you out with work that needs to get done, a husband watching the kiddo so you can get some work done or a friend listening to the woes you have in life to help take a load off your shoulders.

All those things have happened to me lately to help my life easier, so thanks people!

The other important thing is being a good people person and collaborator. Of course, not all of us can be outgoing, but if you are hateful when you have to work with someone, nothing will get done as efficiently as it could have.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Obsession blocks out reality

It's funny, I think sometimes our obsession over something can block out reality. It goes along with the concept that love can make us blind.

If you love someone, it is easy to ignore their faults, or not even notice they have them entirely. I think it is the same way to a certain extent with books and movies. If you love a story a lot, it is hard to notice how bad it can truly be. Example: Twilight. Of course, there are other awful stories and movies out there and everyone is entitled to their opinion.

In my case, I LOVE sentimental movies. If it makes me cry and get emotional at the end, to me the film is pure gold. Even, if it is an awful piece of work.

I will admit, I own all the Twilight movies, all the Harry Potter movies and Lord of the Rings movies. Why? Because I read all the books. I felt almost obligated to see and own all the movies. It's just like when I watch a t.v. series. If I liked the beginning of the series, I have to finish out the rest or die trying.

At a point in my life I was either obsessed or devoted time to those books or television shows, so I have to deem them worthwhile, even if they really aren't. Otherwise, I was just wasting my time.

I still get mad at Reagan when he tells me I don't sing as well as "Xtina" or Celine Dion. I may not, in his opinion and the opinion of most Americans, but I have devoted a lot of my life to working on my singing voice. I sang a lot at home, at church and my first audition was when I was 8 or so. Until I was 19 I had the dream of being a musical theatre performer. I still sing my son to sleep, sing at church on Sundays and have the sickening dream of being on some singing reality show.

I guess I want him to be 100 percent in my corner, which is why I get upset when he says I don't sing as well as a singing superstar. (When I know of course, that I don't.)

When you devote part of your life to something or you obsess over something for a chunk of your life, it is too difficult to admit that it might have been a waste of time. It also might be hard to admit that you are not as good at something as you hoped you would be.

In other words, obsession blocks your reality.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A g-rated list of guilty pleasures

If there is one thing I can point out that I have learned about people, it's that everyone has different opinions on everything. Whether it is something as complicated as politics or religion or something as simple as if you like olives or not. 

We all have what we might refer to as our "guilty pleasures." Things that we love and might be a little ashamed of. Here is my list below. I know it might seem lame or sad, but I like these things so GET OVER IT and go back to eating a whole package of Oreos, or whatever you fancy that I think is disgusting and lame. 

1) Laura Croft: Tomb Raider- Yes, I admit this is very sad. For someone who has seen a combined total of 1300 movies and tv shows (via my Netflix profile ratings and yes I rate everything. We will get to that later.) it is really sad to indulge is such utter crap. However, when I am feeling upset somehow seeing a woman kick butt who is considered to be hot by many guys is somehow inspiring (yes, laugh all you want world). This does not mean I aspire to be like, especially when her character is so badly underdeveloped. It just makes me feel motivated to get up and be awesome, for some weird reason which I can't comprehend. It must be some sort of woman empowering thing. Also- Daniel Craig and Gerard Butler (the love interests in movies I and II) are both very appealing. 

2) Anything covered with lots of cheese- Ewww. I know. It's the worst way in the world to eat. However, when I am over emotional, there is something about a pizza, burrito, taco, cubes of cheese or anything with the dairy product. It seems to fill an emotional void. I don't know why. Some women may devour ice cream, I devour cheese. Don't worry, I am working on it. I don't want to die of heart disease when I am 35. 

3) Singing in my car very loudly- For those of you who grew up with me or have had the privilege of making me feel 100 percent comfortable with you, you probably knew this about me. (Yes, I do hold things back from people. Shocking I know.) It just feels good to pour out my heart and soul while driving. So, if you see me driving to and from work in Missouri (which I do a lot, because I commute a lot), be prepared to see me making weird faces while singing. 

4) Watching lame made for tv chick flicks- I love doing this on occasion, especially when I am feeling sentimental or particularly sad. It helps me cry. Something just feels good about a good cry over something as meaningless as a lame made for tv movie. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Garage sale goers

My family never went garage saleing that often, or really ever that I can recall. Reagan's mom has always been a great garage sale goer. I think she had the right idea.

When you have a lot of kids (she has 7) you have to be able to find the best deals. Today, we bought a train set for Christmas for Noah. Usually, it seems at the holidays that we are lacking money for some reason. Not to mention we are terrible at saving. Hopefully, the day will come when we are better off and can put some aside for things like that.

Even if you don't have kids, garage sales can be great! You just have to have the patience to drive from place to place. The garage sale goers miracle tool is Craig's list, the newspaper and the radio. You find an address for a sale, write it down in advance and then map out your weekend.

Another man's trash is another one's treasure, as they say. Today I got 3 volumes of the 90's X-Men cartoons, 10 outfits for Noah, the train set (which was worth probably 100 normally, because it was really nice), a few movies for Noah and a practically new blender (which we needed). I think we spent like $35.

I wish I had thrift shopped and went to garage sales more in my young life, maybe then, I would be better at saving money. (Maybe). I highly recommend making a day of it.

After a morning of going to garage sales with some friends and family, Reagan and I took Noah out to eat for lunch. I ate half my meal, and we got a piece of pie for later. I am definitely getting better at reducing calorie intake!!! :) What I actually ate only was 460 calories. Not bad for eating out.

P.S: Rogersville, Willard and Mt. Vernon are having their city-wide garage sales tomorrow (if you want to brave the imminent weather)

Noah chowing down on some fries at Perkins Family Restaurant
after a morning of going to garage sales in Willard

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Early mid-life crisis

You know people sometimes say they have a mid-life crisis? Well, I think I am having a mid-mid life crisis. I am probably being over dramatic.

Let me clarify- I am not having thoughts about the fact that half my life is over (because hopefully its not! I am only 24), or insanely depressive thoughts. So, maybe it's not a midlife crisis exactly, but I am going though a slump of some sort where I feel like doing crazy things. I want to go out and spend money I don't have, I want to abandon all responsibility and just throw caution to the wind. 

I have a good life. I have a good job that I love, a great family, good friends and I enjoy a lot of activities in life (working out, watching good movies, writing etc.). I don't know what started it exactly. 

I think maybe I was too well behaved the majority of my life. I never went "crazy" in college as some might say. I have been what most people would consider a good member of society (I think). I try to be considerate of others, I do service, I vote, I stay up on the current events that matter, I go to church, I don't break the law and I treat my family and friends with love and compassion. 

Growing up, I think the worst thing I ever did was throw a party when my parents were out of town. Anyone at that party can tell you, all that happened is we watched movies, ate pizza, talked, played games and listened to music. Yeah, a couple members of the opposite sex stayed over all-night (OH NO!), but nothing happened. We were just watching movies and talking. There were probably about 6 or 7 people who stayed overnight. 

A past boyfriend told me once that if I didn't live a little I would go a little crazy when I got older. I told him he was full of it and didn't know what he was talking about. Now, I am starting to think he might have been right. That is the worst thing ever, when you have to admit an ex (if you can even call him that) was right. 

In the end, all i will probably end up doing is buying a new wardrobe (which I need terribly anyways) and maybe taking a long vacation (once I have enough paid time off anyways). If that is all I need to recharge my batteries, I don't think I am doing too bad. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Why Women are so "complicated"

Men often say women are overly complicated. Guess what, the guys have got it right. We are complicated. Why is that? How are regular people supposed to understand them?

Women are just like men in the sense that they cannot be stereotyped into one general area. Not every single woman is going to act and think the same way. For instance:  I tell both Friend A and Friend B that their dresses make them look fat. Friend A thinks to herself "Well, that was kind of mean, but I am glad you told me because now I will never wear that dress again." Friend B thinks "Someone else told me I look awesome in this dress. Karen is such a witch! How could she say such a mean thing? Now my feelings are genuinely hurt and I probably won't talk to her for awhile until I get over this."

Now which one is more rational? Many would probably say Friend A, but really Friend A might be rational about her looks, but when it comes to someone telling her that her child is badly behaved she might react like Friend B did about the dress.

Bottom line: Women rule their decisions and almost everything in their life based on emotions. Some people may disagree with me, but women are VERY over-emotional. With each woman varying to some degree, which also changes by the day.

Now, I want it clear that I am not counting myself out in this equation. I am just as crazy as the rest of them, but yes, women are crazy.

Guys on the other hand are complicated sometimes and some are more feelings oriented than others. However, if my husband isn't invited to a party he doesn't feel left out. He just thinks to him self, "Well, that sucks. Oh well." I am not invited to a party a friend or family member is having, I think, "Do they not like me anymore? Why wouldn't they invite me? Did I offend them in some way?"

That is why guys are so much easier to read and why they seem to be, even for a lot of women like myself, easier to get along with.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying women are annoying or not friendly. They just process and think differently. I am also not saying men have the emotional range of a teaspoon.

I am stating the emotional range women have is the reason other women have trouble fitting in, finding the right "click", or keeping a best friend for a lifetime. For young girls in high school or college, I have news for you, it doesn't get any easier. You go from clicks of the popular kids and nerds to divisions between single women, married women, women with kids, women without kids, religious women, non-religious women, stay-at-home-moms and working moms. You just have to find a good friend and as a wise woman once said to me, stick to her "like supa' glue!"

It's also the reason there are a lot of single men and women out there. The man who can handle a woman's crazy is hard to find. When you find someone who can handle your level of crazy, don't let them go!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial day thoughts

Later in the week my column about Memorial Day will be available in The Marshfield Mail newspaper and online at However, I definitely have some thoughts to share now.

I didn't go to the cemetery, and I didn't get together with family. I went to work like any other day. 'The news never sleeps' as they say. It might be more accurate to say 'the newspaper never sleeps because people expect to get it at the same time on the same day.'

Sometimes there is not a lot to report or we are reporting on what might be considered "old news," especially when you work for a weekly newspaper in a small community. However, people would be shocked and upset not to get their paper, even if they already knew a few details about what was written.

Yesterday, I wanted to write about many things for my column because I had a lot on my mind. However, I went with the obvious, and addressed the holiday.

Both my grandfathers served in World War Two. My grandfather on my mother's side was a radar man on an aircraft carrier and was involved in the D-Day invasion. Later in life he worked for the FBI, spying on Russian communist groups (since he was a Russian professor).

My grandfather on my mother's side was a gunner on a fighter plane. He ended up in the Stalag 17 prison camp as a Prisoner of War.

I am grateful to their sacrifices along with others in the armed forces I have known.

I may not be the most patriotic person. You may not see me flying a flag on my apartment balcony, speaking out against things in the government I don't agree with very often or having an array of American flag collectibles, but I still can appreciate the freedoms we have because of those who have served our country.

Freedom isn't free, and I hope many Americans can remember that, even when there is so much that seems to go wrong in our government. We are very fortunate for those who have served and will serve in our armed forces.

The video below is pretty awesome. I really like it a lot from Britain's Got Talent.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Overachiever and moochers

Yesterday as I was taking a jog around the inside of my courtyard that is closed in by my circular apartment complex, I noticed some real geniuses taking advantage of the Memorial Day weekend.

There is a couple I often see around who has tattoos and wears torn up clothes. Now, before now I haven't judged them. I mean, if you don't have money to wear nice clothes, don't want to take the time to go to the store to pick out new ones, just like the outfits better you have now or are a cheapskate, I get it.

I hardly ever buy new clothes. Why? 1) I am a cheapskate. 2) I am not rolling in the cash. 3) I really hate the idea of buying new clothes until I lose weight. (I did give in recently and buy a pair of pants, two dresses and a pair of shoes).

Also- I think tattoos last forever and will look saggy when they are old, but if you want to get one that is your business. I had a roommate who had one on her foot that was the date her brother died in a car accident. To her, it is a reminder of his life and who he was. Each member of their immediate family has the same one. If you want to get a tattoo, that is your thing and I am fine with it.

But I have to admit, yesterday I did judge them a bit. The guy was leaning over a mini-grill where he had just poured lighter fluid. He was trying to light the charcoal grill and he had a cigarette in his mouth. His cigarette was about five inches away from the grill (no joke!) Maybe he was trying to kill two birds with one light so to speak?

I did notice that there wasn't anyone celebrating the weekend in the pool. Oh, that's right, IT'S NOT OPEN YET! I guess it doesn't open until June 1st now because of some new regulations. Of course, that hasn't stopped people from sort of inviting themselves over. Not that I don't want to see them, or have them over. I just like how people who haven't had time to hang out or call me for anything in the past 6 months, ask me if they can come swim. Multiple friends and family mention it.

I mean, I get it, but it is just a bit irritating. It's like when people constantly ask to borrow a truck to move or people ask for free advice  from people who make their living on that advice (etc psychiatrists, doctors, accountants, lawyers etc.)

I like giving service, so don't think I never do that. Yesterday Reagan and I both helped at a baby shower (which we were glad to do), did favors for a family member and Reagan picked up his small trailer so he can help people when they ask for it (which is a lot). It just gets to a certain point.

Sometimes people stop becoming real friends and turn into people who get along, but only call each other when they need a favor. Personally, I have been guilty of this myself in the past, but overall this has to stop. I don't mind helping a friend, or even someone who is an acquaintance and sometimes even a stranger (depending on the favor. I mean, I a not going to loan a stranger on the street my car or anything, but I might give them a ride if Reagan is with me.)

It's just, if you are going to be my friend, be my friend. Not someone who only cares to talk to me when it's convenient for you.

P.S.: I probably lost 300 of my Facebook friends just for saying this.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Grand prize winning cake....not

Why I can never make a decent looking cake I will never understand. I was craving cake big time today and thought that I could bake one for my monthly recipe column in the newspaper I write for.

Why does it never resemble the photo? I hate that! Maybe one day I will perfect the cake baking skills I desire, but for now I am at a loss.

Sheet cakes and rectangular cakes aren't hard. I am a natural at baking cheesecake. When it comes to making a layer cake I fail every time.
Raspberry and Chocolate Ganache Cake with White Chocolate Buttercream
This is the cake I attempted to make off

Should you care about my cake making skills? Maybe not if you aren't attempting to bake one of my recipes or if I am not cooking for you. I guess I should realize that everyone has their skills.

My cakes don't taste bad. On the contrary, they taste pretty darn good if I do say so myself. However, they just don't look pretty.

This is how my cake looks. Of course I didn't go
to the effort of decorating, but the icing didn't
spread on smooth and the layers didn't come out
I guess we all have our own skills and I should just be happy with what I have. I am excellent at cooking (not baking), I sing well (unless you ask Reagan because he hates my classical training) and for the most part, I am an outgoing and friendly person.

Maybe we all should just accept that we can't be great at everything. Maybe my Achilles heel is baking. Or maybe I will be great at it by the time I am a great-grandmother, assuming I live that long.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Of Weather and Painting

The weather has been really messed up in Missouri over the last couple months. To be honest though, that is nothing new. Anyone who has ever lived in Missouri can tell you the weather is fickle and changes at the drop of a hat. 

The first week in May we had snow. Two days ago I was driving home from work in flood weather. Many people had pulled over to stop driving, but being the fool I am, I just wanted to get home. So, I kept on.

Thank goodness today reflects summer weather. I feel like we were ripped off though. Where is our spring that I enjoy almost every year? Apparently, in 2013 that spring is going to remain non-existent. 

However, being Memorial Day and all, I have major plans to soak up some sun and water in our apartment complex pool. 

Before floating in my complex oasis and burning some major calories, Reagan and I are going to go paint my parents' garage. That garage has haunted my dreams since I was young. I am sure it will haunt my dreams again if they don't ever clean it. That leaves me with having cleaning it out someday when they pass away. (assuming they don't outlive me!)

That garage often reminds me of the room of requirement from the Harry Potter series. If you want to lose something where no one will find it, the garage at "Gaddy Mansion" as my dad calls it is the perfect place. Maybe I will share the Gaddy Mansion story another day. If I shared all the stories I have heard from my dad, I could write a blog of just that for probably 30 years. 

I think it's so funny how paint companies will mix exact colors for you. The company my parents buy their paint from named the exact color "Cox Brown." (my maiden name was Cox). 

So this weekend try to have fun and not think about me painting a garage "Cox Brown," a very unappealing name. But, if you must, be happy for me because I am getting paid for it. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Superhero movies: Just a bit overrated

I have always considered myself a fan of superhero movies for the most part. I love X-Men, Spiderman (minus the Tobey McGuire emo moment in the trilogy, through it was worth a good laugh), and Batman. Even as a kid I enjoyed these cartoons on TV, the older films and the comic books, however I think the movies of late have gone WAY downhill. 

I will say I was a huge fan of The Dark Knight Rises and even a bit of The Amazing Spiderman. Christopher Nolan really outdid himself on tying the entire Christian Bale trilogy together. In fact, if anyone asked me The Dark Knight Rises would be among one of my all time favorite movies, maybe even in the top 10 or 20. 

Apparently though, lots of people out there liked the Iron Man trilogy, which I found boring with not a great story line and The Avengers, which I consider totally pointless. I can't believe Robert Downey Jr. made $50 million for pulling of the same usual junk that he always does throughout each and every movie he acts in.

 Don't even get me started on the likes of The Green Lantern, The Green Hornet, The Fantastic Four and the like. Those films just wanted to make me barf. 

How could I relate to the likes of Tony Stark, Thor or The Hulk? Simple, I can't. A friend of mine would probably say it's because I like that "chickflick crap," but I think it's because the story has to have some emotion to it. Maybe those films are aimed to a fully male audience, scientists who want to be recognized for their lifesaving work or women who are expected to gush over Chris Hemsworth and his muscles. 

It's too bad these movies are being overdone and ruined. In this day and age while we are all struggling with financial difficulties and the like, the idea of a super hero is kind of nice. I guess I better not write my own comic book anytime soon. Chances are some producer or movie director would ruin it. 

Writing something different

I have had several blogs in the past, and I am still working on a few of them. I have tried having a niche, but it is hard to post on the same topic day in and day out.

This blog is just going to be a place for me to share a variety of thoughts. If anyone reads it or not, I could really care less. It's just a great place to pour out my thoughts and if anyone who happens to be reading cares, has similar thoughts, opposing thoughts or anything to add, so be it. In fact, that might be kind of a good thing.

I chose the name Blissful Ranting because of the irony. My last name is bliss, a happy one, while rantings are usually far from a happy thing.

Happy reading.....maybe.