
Meet Karen Bliss, author of Blissful Rantings
Karen Bliss, author of Blissful Rantings
In this photo Bliss features a crazed look to reflect her ranting

Karen from an early age was introduced to the world of English. (not that her English writing skills are perfect at all.) Her mother is a retired high school English teacher who repetitively taught her to not say inproper things like "me and my friend went to school today." However, some teachings have been lost on her since then. 

Also- If her posts often sound ridiculous and pointless, you can thank her father for passing down his flair for nonsense comedy. 

In Karen's later life, she attended college at Missouri State University to major in musical theater. After she realized the theater was not the road for her, she switched to Journalism. Since then, she married Reagan Bliss, had a son named Noah and has worked in freelance journalism. Most recently, Karen has taken a full-time job as a journalist in the southwest Missouri region. 

This blog is just a chance for her to babble on about something other than small town happenings, religious convictions, food or things she has pinned on pintrerest. If you want to read about that, visit www.behindmormonism.com, www.bitesofbliss.wordpress.com, or www.pinsforlife.wordpress.com. If you expect to find discussion of those topics on this blog, you will surely be disappointed. 

Of course, I am sure some of those things will overlap from time to time. 

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