Monday, November 4, 2013

Six reasons why SOME people should have kids

If you read my post from yesterday, this post will make a lot more sense.

Six reasons why some people should have kids

1) Kids give you a new perspective on life
The world looks differently to a parent I think that in does to non-parents. It's a little bit of a scarier place with lots of sharp corners, it's a place that there are a lot more things to do than just having fun and going to work and you can watch your kids grow while seeing the world through their eyes. Everyone interprets things differently and sees things differently. So far my kid has reminded me how beautiful the world is, that everyone is a person and I should be less judgmental and that each second that passes is a precious one.

2) It helps bring purpose to your marriage
What is the point of marriage if not to raise a family? Some might say to have a life companion, but then, why not have a lifelong roommate who is also your best friend. I personally think you have a purpose in marriage without kids only for the first few years and then the last few years. The first years it is happy and you learn a lot by the trials you do have. You feel new and invigorated. Then the next step is owning your own home, having a job and having kids. Then what? Being old and dying. So, you definitely want someone with you then. Other than that, what are you doing with your in between as a couple? Nothing really, if you think about it, besides having fights and then having a good time. Kids give you a reason to grow and to work together towards a grand purpose.

3) If everyone decided they didn't want kids, we would be extinct
I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a dinosaur. That would be really sad if we all ceased to exist because some people thought they rather not go to the trouble of being a parent.

4) Children make you want to be a better person
I am not saying that everyone who doesn't have a kids is less of a person than someone who does, but they do make you want to be better than the person you were. You feel a sense of responsibility (at least most people do) and so you try to make the best decisions you can and be the best person you can.

5) You become a stronger person, always striving to overcome challenges by being a better problem solver
- My kid won't eat his veggies, so I make homemade pasta sauce where I hide the veggies via blender
- My kid has trouble sleeping so I use trial and error to help him rest better
-My kid comes home, saying he got drunk and crashed the car into a tree (well, I will give you the answer if that ever happens, hopefully it never will and I have raised him to know better)

6) You learn to work as a team
I don't care what anyone says, no one raises a child alone. Even a single mom might have help from a neighbor, a babysitter, a friends or a family member. You and your spouse, significant other, friend or babysitter will learn how to help raise that child together, regardless of the level of commitment each person has. My husband has learned not to give in to my child's demands so much and I have learned to be a better disciplinarian than I have ever imagined. We aren't perfect, but we work together to do the best we can, as a team.

Of course, these might not apply to everyone.

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