Sunday, November 3, 2013

Kids: Why to have them? This guy got it wrong.

People have some pretty messed up ideas when it comes to having children. Of course, that is just my personal opinion.

I decided to do a bit of research on what other people think about having kids. I read an article titled "6 reasons why everyone should have kids." 

First, I have to say, I don't agree with this title. Not everyone should have kids. I know people will probably disagree with my philosophizes (and there will be exceptions to the rule), but I think that statement is wrong. 

It takes two to make a baby and both parents should be in agreement to do it and know that they can handle it. Of course, this is not a perfect world so we will have single mothers and fathers, couples who are not married having children and people who are torn apart because of disagreeing over born and unborn children. 

However, there is not a perfect time for everything and I will be honest, I didn't know if I could handle a child when my son was born. Now I can't imagine life without him and love him more than anything in the world. 

The reasons people should have kids according to the article and my thoughts as religious mother: 

1. Kids change your perspective on the world
Well that's true. Can't argue with that. 

2. Children can regulate your diet well
Maybe it worked for the guy who wrote that article, but I think that is a bunch of crap. My kid has made my diet worse. First, I gained weight during pregnancy and believed the myth that breastfeeding would solve all my weight problems because I would be burning extra calories. When my child was born I had gained 10 lbs. Since my child, I have gained a total of 40 lbs. Yeah, that is a LOT. I of course, am not a bad enough parent to blame this all on my child, but he was a factor in it. Other factors include stress from various sources, bad eating habits and slacking on exercise habits. Of course, child birth can cause someone who already has bad self image to have worse self image, which then leads to stress which sometimes causes overeating. 

Not to mention, that if you give some children any choice on food, they will walk all over you. My child hates vegetables and now he is at the age that he is still too young to understand threats of "not getting dessert" and too old to be able to make those kind of decisions. Thus, more snacks are available in the house, which means more temptations for a parent to snack on their kids' snacks. 

3. Children can build your muscles
Maybe, but not enough to counteract the bad eating habits you may gain. This guy must have been the kind of guy to sit around at home all day or something to use this as a reason to have a kid. Also- It will make women lose their stomach there!

4. Babies make you more flexible
Ha! Speak for yourself. They take up so much time it makes it harder to do other things besides spend time with them and go to work. Not that spending time with them is a bad thing, in fact, it's pretty nice. But, they definitely don't make you more flexible. 

5. Your children can make you more concerned about the future
I guess they can. If you didn't care anything about the future to begin with. Maybe I am selfish, but I am not only concerned about the future for my children, but for myself. I learned to handle a tough world and I will raise my kids to do the same. If the planet explodes, well there may not be anything we can do about it, so I am not going to worry any more about that because we have kids. Speaking politically, being concerned about the future isn't about being a responsible parent, it's about being a responsible ADULT. 

6. Kids make you happier
That's a relative statement. For most people that is true, but not for everyone. 

This blogger was making his own rebuttal to an article in Time Magazine  which I don't think is a good example either. It's glorifying the idea that people who don't have kids can have more success in life. I don't think that's true either. It just depends on how you define success. If to you success means only world travel, lots of money and doing whatever you want whenever you want, well the kid route is not for you. 

If you are religious and believe bearing children is a commandment of God and that's part of our mission here on earth, that is a reason to have kids. 

I think both are okay, even if I don't agree. I have no room to tell anyone they should or should not be a parent. I just think that guy didn't make an argument very well. Tomorrow: Why I think Having Kids is great (hopefully my points are better than his).  

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