Monday, January 13, 2014

Following traditions for tradition's sake

First post of 2014! First post for awhile actually. 

I have been thinking a lot lately of people who follow traditions just because it's what they believe they have to do, for tradition's sake. 

Don't think I hate traditions, in fact, I have many I like. 
- I enjoy getting presents on Christmas morning
- I like apple pie and baseball as much as any true American
- I like to clap when someone performs well, as a sign of appreciation and admiration of their work
- I like to make New Year's resolutions
- And Many more...

But, when does it get to a point that we follow traditions that we don't really believe in, just because others before us have followed that path? 

Sure, we shouldn't let the traditions of our fathers die and all that, and sometimes our elders know more than we do. But not always. 

Sometimes I think that many things I have done in my life are because of traditions. Sometimes I think, it's safe to break the rules and test things out. 

For a very light example: I don't like Thanksgiving food much. 
-Turkey is okay and so is Green Bean Casserole
-I hate stuffing, homemade cranberry sauce and yams. 
- I think we need more salad or green vegetables at these things that are doused in creamy soup, fat, or excess butter
- The main things I like are: the appetizers, the rolls and the mashed potatoes (but only with good gravy, giblet doesn't count). 

So, why is it that everyone eats these items? Because it's what their parents fixed, grandparents made and so on...

It's not because we have a deep found belief that if we don't eat turkey on Thanksgiving, we will miss out on the company of our family and forget what we're grateful for. (At least, most people aren't that crazy). 

So, I just think its' important to think about your traditions and why you do them. And maybe, you can't let go of that turkey, even if it is a tradition for tradition's sake. Regardless, it's still important to think about it and decide if you really like turkey in the first place. 

*Note: If you really think this blog is all about Thanksgiving Food, you need to be more creative*

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