Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Department stores love to lie, especially to women

Department stores are liars. No, I don't mean sales people are liars, or that the company is dishonest, but that the store in itself is a pro at the art of deception. What do I mean? Well, I am glad you asked. 

Some women LOVE shopping and others HATE shopping. Why? 

Women who love shopping: They love shopping because there is something that feels good about spending money, especially when it is on something for yourself. The woman who loves shopping can enter a store, try on a new piece of clothing and say "Dang I look good." 

The deceitful shoes. I was fooled by JC PENNEY. 
I find they are not comfortable,
but painful. 
Women who hate shopping: Either the woman HATES spending money and is a cheapskate, or every time she tries something on, she feels like she looks bad or fat. Then they feel they can't possibly compare to the women they see everywhere else, such as on TV, in the magazines, at the gym or their more attractive family members. 

I have been both. But, let me tell you, I have also felt the department store lies to me, no matter which group I fit in.
I think there is this deception to a department store. It is in the atmosphere. I went shopping for shoes, I thought they fit perfect and after making it home, I realized they fit like crap. 

Other times, I felt I looked terrible in something, but bought it anyway, hoping to look good in it later. It didn't take that much time to look good in it. All it took was a trip home and away from the store. 

This is the conundrum that is shopping at department stores. 

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