Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial day thoughts

Later in the week my column about Memorial Day will be available in The Marshfield Mail newspaper and online at www.southcountymail.com. However, I definitely have some thoughts to share now.

I didn't go to the cemetery, and I didn't get together with family. I went to work like any other day. 'The news never sleeps' as they say. It might be more accurate to say 'the newspaper never sleeps because people expect to get it at the same time on the same day.'

Sometimes there is not a lot to report or we are reporting on what might be considered "old news," especially when you work for a weekly newspaper in a small community. However, people would be shocked and upset not to get their paper, even if they already knew a few details about what was written.

Yesterday, I wanted to write about many things for my column because I had a lot on my mind. However, I went with the obvious, and addressed the holiday.

Both my grandfathers served in World War Two. My grandfather on my mother's side was a radar man on an aircraft carrier and was involved in the D-Day invasion. Later in life he worked for the FBI, spying on Russian communist groups (since he was a Russian professor).

My grandfather on my mother's side was a gunner on a fighter plane. He ended up in the Stalag 17 prison camp as a Prisoner of War.

I am grateful to their sacrifices along with others in the armed forces I have known.

I may not be the most patriotic person. You may not see me flying a flag on my apartment balcony, speaking out against things in the government I don't agree with very often or having an array of American flag collectibles, but I still can appreciate the freedoms we have because of those who have served our country.

Freedom isn't free, and I hope many Americans can remember that, even when there is so much that seems to go wrong in our government. We are very fortunate for those who have served and will serve in our armed forces.

The video below is pretty awesome. I really like it a lot from Britain's Got Talent.

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