Thursday, May 30, 2013

Early mid-life crisis

You know people sometimes say they have a mid-life crisis? Well, I think I am having a mid-mid life crisis. I am probably being over dramatic.

Let me clarify- I am not having thoughts about the fact that half my life is over (because hopefully its not! I am only 24), or insanely depressive thoughts. So, maybe it's not a midlife crisis exactly, but I am going though a slump of some sort where I feel like doing crazy things. I want to go out and spend money I don't have, I want to abandon all responsibility and just throw caution to the wind. 

I have a good life. I have a good job that I love, a great family, good friends and I enjoy a lot of activities in life (working out, watching good movies, writing etc.). I don't know what started it exactly. 

I think maybe I was too well behaved the majority of my life. I never went "crazy" in college as some might say. I have been what most people would consider a good member of society (I think). I try to be considerate of others, I do service, I vote, I stay up on the current events that matter, I go to church, I don't break the law and I treat my family and friends with love and compassion. 

Growing up, I think the worst thing I ever did was throw a party when my parents were out of town. Anyone at that party can tell you, all that happened is we watched movies, ate pizza, talked, played games and listened to music. Yeah, a couple members of the opposite sex stayed over all-night (OH NO!), but nothing happened. We were just watching movies and talking. There were probably about 6 or 7 people who stayed overnight. 

A past boyfriend told me once that if I didn't live a little I would go a little crazy when I got older. I told him he was full of it and didn't know what he was talking about. Now, I am starting to think he might have been right. That is the worst thing ever, when you have to admit an ex (if you can even call him that) was right. 

In the end, all i will probably end up doing is buying a new wardrobe (which I need terribly anyways) and maybe taking a long vacation (once I have enough paid time off anyways). If that is all I need to recharge my batteries, I don't think I am doing too bad. 

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