Saturday, February 1, 2014

When is lazy too lazy?

When I was a kid I got tired of hearing my elders say "kids these days are too lazy," or something along those lines. I was offended that someone was calling me lazy before I even had figured out who I was and what I was going to do with my life.

Now that I am a bit older I have had a bit more experience in the lazy department. I understand the concept of working so hard during the day that you don't feel like doing the dishes, or why you might want to play the sick day card.

But when does being lazy just get to be too much?

I, am of course, no expert. Laziness is of course in the eye of the beholder, but I draw the line when your laziness starts to affect someone else in a negative way.

For example, I don't feel like cleaning my sons bedroom or forcing him to do so as he is a two-year old. When Lincoln Logs litter the floor, sometimes you just feel like pushing them out of the way with your foot, or sweeping them under the bed. But, what happens when he grows up? Does he know what it means to really clean if you don't show him?

I know an individual who doesn't know how to cook, she doesn't really know how to clean. When she was shown how to mop the floor her response was, "no one ever showed me how to do that before."

The sad part is, it's probably true.

In my job, and in life, I have seen too many people who are only a product of what they are raised into. It seems almost impossible for them to break the cycle that they learned from irresponsible parenting, or lack there of.

No, I am not saying that I am a perfect parent (because I am definitely not), or that I have been motivated to clean those Lincon Logs out from under the bed quite yet. What I am saying is that laziness becomes unacceptable when it hurts someone else, no matter how small.

Now, excuse me while I go take my own advice.

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