Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I got my best relationship advice from the internet

April Fools! (Alright I might be about a month late on that one). 

I just felt like ranting about these so called "relationship advice" articles. I think they are absolutely hilarious. Even though, like many out there, I have looked up my fair share of answers on Google. Everybody does it and don't try to lie about it. 

From "Best Places to Meet Women" to "7 Solutions that can save a relationship," there is heap loads of relationship advice on the web from various sources, including news sources and the like I would normally trust. Those two listed above are not even as ridiculous as some. I just chose them because they are the first ones I Googled. 

I don't know where these so called "experts" come from half the time, but honestly, no one can give you advice that will 100 percent fit you, not even a shrink who knows what you tell them. Why? Because no one knows your relationship and how you feel about it, and how your spouse feels about it, better than you. 

I remember when I was a kid I had watched too many movies, read too many dramatic novels, listened to too many love songs and the like. Because of this (and I was a chubbier girl, but really not too much so) I thought that because I didn't have a boyfriend in high school, I would be ALONE FOREVER. This at the time felt like a death sentence. 

So, from a very young age, I decided I would never be married and never have kids. Well, anyone reading this who knows me, knows that both of those things turned out to be false. In fact, after my first college date, I realized I had been wrong to so severely judge myself . We are, after all, our own worst critic. 

I remember, along with a lot of my generation, taking Seventeen Magazine quizzes etc. about who was my perfect guy. I don't remember the results, but I remember when I took them, when I answered the questions I would be thinking of the guy I was interested in at the time, thus skewing my results on an already ridiculous quiz that was made up by someone who didn't know me or have any idea of who I was. 

My relationship now, isn't perfect, but there isn't one out there that is. Really, everyone just takes it one step at a time. All you can do is do your best and hope the person you have chosen is in it for the long haul, through thick and thin. 

I will never forget what my husband said to me when we were first dating. I had just passed the test of my first real relationship, which left me broken, to say the least. All my new found self-esteem from that first date in college that I gained after high school, had been washed away and only neglect and the feeling of having lost myself still remained.

I said, "Just because you love someone doesn't mean you can know their heart 100 percent and in this life there are no guarantees."

He looked me straight in the eye and said "There is such a thing as a guarantee."

He elaborated, saying that if you chose the right person who would stick by your side no matter what happened, that your marriage could be guaranteed. That was pretty good advice that he gave me, and you know what, it seemed to work out for him okay for the last 5 years and counting. 

I would have to say, I usually try not to ask relationship advice from anyone, minus the occasional family member. But, I think, if you are looking up advice on the Internet for your relationships, you are looking in the wrong place. 

Of course, what do I know? Don't listen to me. I am just a blogger on the Internet. 

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